Top Ten Reasons to Hire a Personal Assistant

sf ca personal assistant“I have an unbelievable assistant who handles all of my scheduling! It’s like a Tetris game.” ~ Neil  Patrick Harris, Actor

Imagine what would have happened if Thomas Edison had attempted to create the incandescent light bulb alone, or any one of his other world changing inventions for that matter. When he said, he had “found 10,000 ways that won’t work,” he really meant his legions of assistants had.

You see, without his assistants, he would never have achieved anything like he did. The same applies to you, as an entrepreneur or small business owner. Hire a personal assistant, and you can spend time concentrating on what matters most—your business.

That’s not the only perk, however. Hiring a personal assistant has a whole host of benefits.

Here are ten benefits of hiring a personal assistant.

1. Free up time better spent with your family

When you’re not bringing home the bacon, you’re at home enjoying the fruits of your labor. No more school plays missed or family dinners. At last you’ll be able to come home to a smiling spouse and family, safe in the knowledge that there are no loose ends. You’d be surprised at just how much family time you gain when you have a personal assistant taking care of the small things.

2. Let’s you focus on making money

Let’s face it. No matter what your line of work, the goal is profit and growth. Less time spent shooting off emails, taking calls and conducting research, leaves you with more time to focus on your business. All personal assistants come with corporate experience, and are the ideal candidates for you to delegate the mountains of small stuff too. Watch your business and your customer relationships grow, while you do what matters most—make money!

3. A chance to put your feet up

Running a business and a household is an exhausting slog at times. Your shelves are bare, the kids need new shoes and you’ve got emails coming out your ears. It’s enough to drive a person insane—until your personal assistant walks in with open arms, that is. You know the saying: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. You can sit back and relax for a change while your personal assistant picks up your dry cleaning, takes those phone calls, and sends that gift to a far-flung relative.

personal assistant on the phone bay area4. Virtual as well as personal

Perhaps one of the best things about having a personal assistant is you can delegate at a distance! While you’re off on a well needed break on the beaches of Bali, your personal assistant becomes a virtual assistant. With the wealth of technology at your disposal, communication is literally a click away. You can switch off without feeling like there’s still something unfinished; lurking in the shadows of your office.

5. Allows you to have more of a life

While you’re making money, you’re also neglecting to make a life. What good is success when you have no time to enjoy it? Hire a personal assistant to help you hold the fort as you take some time out to do what you love. Your personal assistant can handle the marketing, the billing and all those time-consuming chores that keep you busy until the twilight hours.

6. Time to focus on your strengths

By hiring a personal assistant with corporate experience, you’re freeing up valuable time that could be better spent on working on the bigger picture for your business. Personal assistants can deal with the administrative aspect of your business while you focus on the primary objective. A professional partnership like this, helps you work to your strengths, and gives your assistant more experience too.

7. Tailored to suit your needs

At first, as you and your personal assistant get to know each other, there’ll be something of a learning curve to navigate. However, what follows is an intuitive understanding completely tailored to suit your specific needs. That’s the beauty of having a personal assistant to help you keep your daily affairs in order. They serve you and you alone, and more than likely come well versed in the art of grocery shopping, client billing, letter writing, and making those calls you’d rather not.

8. Stress relief

There’s no two ways about it. Running your own business is stressful. It’s darn near debilitating when you have a family to care for too. Not only is your email inbox filling up, you’ve got a birthday party to arrange, a dog that needs walking and a spouse who wants some quality time! It adds up and the stress with it. Even if only for a few hours a week, a personal assistant can be your human stress ball, taking care of all those niggling chores so you can think straight.

9. No more dates to rememberjumbled dates for personal assistant

As an entrepreneur or small business owner, your calendar is likely to be filled with meetings, dinner appointments and seminars. Your focus would be better channeled towards the present and what needs to be done, than worrying if you have enough time before your next meeting. A personal assistant can take that weight off your shoulders and ensure you stay ahead of schedule, without ever worrying about time again.

10. No more to-do lists the length of your arm

To-do lists, for a busy professional, never end. They start off small, but then seem to take on a life of their own as time goes by and more things are added. Some lists have a lifespan of months! You could do without the guilt and the disappointment of realizing you forgot your best client’s birthday, your aquarium has become the swamp thing and your garden resembles a jungle. A personal assistant can cut those to-do lists down to size for good, allowing you the peace of mind you need to run your business effectively.

Those are just ten of the many perks you get with a personal assistant in San Francisco at your side. Like Edison, you want to focus on what makes you and your business tick, not the small, mundane, annoying things that clutter up your life. Personal assistants excel at this. No more to-do lists, no more last minute panic attacks, just the Zen-like state of mind that takes over when you realize your life is now as clear as a mountain lake.